Conference “The EU’s role in promoting global environmental protection through solidarity”

The academic staff of the Jean Monnet Chair ProSoEULaw Abroad is happy to announce an event planned for the academic year 2023/2024. On 7 March, the conference “The EU’s role in promoting global environmental protection through solidarity” will take place. The conference is organised by the Jean Monnet Chair “ProSoEULaw Abroad” (University of Pisa), in partnership with the Jean Monnet Chair “Transition” (Federal University of Ceará). The specific objective of the conference is to promote exchanges between scholars that could open up new and interesting perspectives for students, especially those in higher education who do not automatically come into contact with EU studies.

Outstanding speakers will be involved in the conference to provide participants with insights into an important but controversial topic, such as intergenerational solidarity in the context of environmental protection.

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